Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mostly about Mothers

To all the wonderful women, Mothers, and girls in my life:
Thank you. Happy mothers day. Whether you are a mother or not, you are a blessed daughter of God. Thank you also to all the worthy men in my life. It makes it much easier to be a worthy girl when you are surrounded by boys who expect the best of you. So thanks.

Most of all though, I want to thank my own wonderful loving mother. I love her with all my heart. Motherhood is the farthest thing from easy, but it is also the closest thing to knowing our heavenly fathers love for us. She exemplifies that in the way she cares for her children, grandchildren, parents, and her husband (my daddy). She is always the one making the food, and the last one to eat. The first person awake in the morning, and the last one to bed. She is sensitive to every situation i am in, receptive to whatever I need, even if I don't say it, She is my best friend. She works hard to raise me right, with standards that will bring me closer to my Father in Heaven. Mom, Thank you!

I'm sure my mother is not the only one to sacrifice for her children. In fact, I know it. Mothers everywhere are sacrificing for the health, education, and well-being of their children. I'm sure each child might not know or quite fully appreciate the acts of their mothers. I'm not even sure that I do. But I want to thank every mother for the job they are doing. We are so grateful you are doing it. It is my hope each Mother is given at least a small token of appreciation today. They deserve it for all the hard work they do.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Christine, for being a wonderful daughter too. You make it easy to be Mom.
